Annie Get Your Goat (1966)
Also Known As:
Yodel Me Yodel You, Animal Farm, You Goata Be Kidding, Get Your Goat - You've Pulled
Betty Hutton and Howard Keel
All's fair in love, when Annie jilts her ranch-hand lover at the alter after discovering his late night rendezvous with a prize-winning moose. She flees the ranch in shame and finds her true vocation tending a goat herd in the Swiss Alps.
Annie: "I saw you Johnny! I saw you with that moose!"
Most Popular Song: "There's No Business Like Goat Business"
Music and Lyrics: Irving Berlin
Most Helpful User Review:
Such great songs! Betty Hutton is great, glad she was cast in the end. Screw Judy Garland.
BIFTA Nomination: Best Moose in the Hoose (1967)
Directed by: Legs Ancoats. US. Colour.